Design & Development

Design & Development

Our existing product range is not just a result of innovation but a testament to our collaboration with active professionals in the security and defense industry. At GALKO MPS, we believe in creating solutions that truly meet the demands of those on the front lines.

Design Process

The design process is a journey where ideas take shape. Our team, designers and engineers, work closely with industry experts to conceptualize products that align with the latest trends and address specific operational requirements. From sketches to digital prototypes, each design undergoes thorough evaluation before moving forward.

Quality Control

Quality is at the core of everything we do. Throughout the production process, quality control measures are implemented. Inspections, both manual and technological, are conducted at various stages to guarantee that every product meets our standards.

tactical security equipment production
tactical security equipment production
tactical defense quality control
tactical defense quality control

Design Process

The design process is a journey where ideas take shape. Our team, designers and engineers, work closely with industry experts to conceptualize products that align with the latest trends and address specific operational requirements. From sketches to digital prototypes, each design undergoes thorough evaluation before moving forward.

Quality Control

Quality is at the core of everything we do. Throughout the production process, quality control measures are implemented. Inspections, both manual and technological, are conducted at various stages to guarantee that every product meets our standards.

Field Testing Process

Field Testing Process

Our products undergo testing to validate their performance and durability. Field testing, simulated scenarios, and compliance with industry standards are integral parts of our testing process. This testing phase allows us to fine-tune and enhance the design, ensuring that the final product is in line with expectations in terms of functionality and reliability.

Our products undergo testing to validate their performance and durability. Field testing, simulated scenarios, and compliance with industry standards are integral parts of our testing process.
This testing phase allows us to fine-tune and enhance the design, ensuring that the final product is in line with expectations in terms of functionality and reliability.
tactical equipment solution
tactical equipment solution


Blank Label Options

Beyond our established product line, we offer a unique opportunity for new clients to leverage our expertise through our "Blank Label MPS" option.

This means that all products from our range can be offered to clients without our branding, providing a blank canvas for them to build their own brand identity.

Blank Label Options


blank label tactical equipment
blank label tactical equipment


Customization for Brand Building

New clients can personalize our existing products, tailoring them to their specific requirements.

Whether it's adding unique features, modifying designs, or incorporating branding elements, we collaborate closely with clients to help them create a distinct brand identity.

This personalized approach allows them to offer a unique assortment and stand out in the market.


Customization for Brand Building


Digital or freehand

tactical design development
tactical design development

Customization or prototyping

morh production
morh production
Quality control

Final inspection

field testing operator
field testing operator

By professionals

At GALKO MPS, our design and development process is not just about creating products; it's about forging partnerships, innovating solutions, and empowering our clients to build their own legacy in the security and defense industry.
Our design and development process is not just about creating products; it's about forging partnerships and empowering our clients to build their own legacy in the security and defense industry.